I Got On a Billboard
I wanted to make a change. I knew where I had to go to be successful…but I was scared. I’ve never done any kind of workout, although I did play sports in high school. I had never talked to anyone about having a weight problem and it was so hard but I knew I had to. I really needed to make changes for me.
I talked to many people and they all said…”Body By Sergio”…Sergio will change your body.
Meeting with Sergio, I walked in nervous, and became instantly comfortable. We discussed what I wanted to do He explained everything to me and developed a strategy that included nutrition for me to help accomplish my goals. I exercised like the commercials say…two times a week for thirty minutes, and in no time I accomplished not only my goals, but the goals that Serg set out for me. I went from being not so happy with myself, to finally being happy. I took that first step and like others, am so happy that I did. I even got on a billboard!
Hi, my name is Season Todd, from Picton, Ontario and I got my Body By Sergio and you can too!
Thanks Sergio!